1. Download source codes from Google code SVN server to your local folder (e.g. min3d)
Suppose Eclipse (Helios Release) and ADT 0.9.7 will be used.
2. In Eclipse, select "File --> Import...", then select "Existing Projects into Workspace", and then click "Next"
3. Set "Select root directory" to your local min3d folder (e.g. min3d) and then you can see "min3dSampleProject1" in the "Project list". Select "Copyprojects into workspace" and click "Finish".
4. Now, we have to change some configurations:
4.1 Under "min3dSampleProject1", select "src_min3d" and select "Properties" from the pop-up menu (Click your left mouse button)
4.2 Under "Resource" item, set the "location" to /src (e.g. min3d/src) and then click "Apply".
通常新版已經不支援,需透過專案右鍵,properties,Java Build Path,下圖所示修改
4.3 Select "min3dSampleProject1" again and select "Properties" from the pop-up menu. Select "Android" and then select which Android Paltform you want to use and then click "Apply".
4.4 Then select "Java Build Path", select "Libraries" tag and then remove "src...." item, then click "OK".
5. Now Eclipse should build the sample project automatically.